In an ever-changing climate of financial challenges, retirement can be an increasingly complex puzzle. How do you enjoy retirement to the fullest without constantly worrying about outliving your money? Peace of mind comes in the assurance of knowing that your retirement savings will provide for you and your family, and allow you to live comfortably throughout retirement.
Many individuals and couples that are in the pre-retirement stage (5+ years prior to retirement), need planning help with the following: IRA & 401(k) Rollovers, Social Security Optimization & Retirement Income Planning.
When you change jobs or retire, there are four things you can generally do with the assets in any employer-sponsored retirement plan:
Rolling over from one qualified plan to another qualified plan allows your money to continue growing tax-deferred until you receive distributions in retirement. We can help you determine if a rollover to an IRA is the right move for you.
In the past, retirees could typically count on three sources of retirement income that divided roughly into thirds: government-funded Social Security, employer-sponsored components (like 401k) and individual savings. Today, however, the majority of the burden for retirement income seems to have shifted away from employer plans and onto the shoulders of the individual.
Social Security Optimization is a key component to any well crafted retirement plan. With over 400 filing combinations possible for a married couple, choosing the right time to file based on analysis and optimization, can make those decisions much easier.
A lifetime of security, thanks to a lifetime of income.
Retirement income strategies are not just for the wealthy. As retirement nears, the traditional strategy has been to move growth-seeking products to more conservative, fixed-income products. According to a recent study, for a married couple age 65 there is now a 50 percent chance that at least one spouse will live to age 94.1 This means that you may need to plan for your retirement savings to potentially last 25 to 30 years.
One drawback to a longer life is the greater possibility of outliving your savings – creating all the more reason to develop a retirement income strategy designed to last a longer lifetime. Sixty-one percent of Americans surveyed said they were more afraid of outliving their assets than they were of dying.2
A significant loss in the years just prior to and/or just after you retire could negatively impact the level of income you receive over the course of your life. In fact, if a loss occurs earlier in life, there is also the chance that you may have more time to recover (versus a loss occurring later in retirement). Why? Simply because a smaller pool of assets is left to sustain you throughout your retirement years and your assets may not have as much time to recover.
We can help you design a guaranteed* retirement income strategy that incorporates insurance and annuity vehicles to create opportunities for long-term growth as well as guarantee* income throughout your retirement.
Contact us today to schedule a complimentary introductory meeting! Call us at 480-503-0050, or connect with us on-line at
2State of the Insured Retirement Industry: 2012 Recap and a 2013 Outlook, Insured Retirement Institute